Pokemon uranium gba cheat code

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This one takes longer, so make a secret base above here. Remember, if you are using an emulator with a different version of Pokemon than the one listed here, these codes will probably not work for you to cheat in the game. You can use it to see the data for all 386 Pokemon. pokemon uranium gba cheat code

Here are the links for the game download. So, Pokemon Uranium GBA download may also be introduced along with that. MOON 1 81c51274 0a8302c4 VIRIDIAN FOREST 3983de0e 55e2b142 NAVEL ROCK 6aadac54 a0a4b6c7 PALLET TOWN 198c6221 7a8ada0f Moms House-PALLET TOWN d7b8040b 6e9f280b Nickname House-VIRIDIAN CITY 29f536dd baad2e6d Museum-PEWTER CITY 1e14f287 f1192262 Badge Man House-CERULEAN CITY b3ac1fe9 d107ee30 Pokemon Center-LAVENDER TOWN 11576d99 0b90d41a Fishing Guru House-VERMILION CITY cef64c35 2b61f318 Celadon Dept. He will give the National Dex to Gary and you. Anne Rooms 4 1101- S. You can make the Pokemon Uranium Full Screen by Pressing ALT + Enter in your Keyboard. BE SURE THAT THE TWO POKéMON YOU HAVE NOW ARE ELIGIBLE FOR BATTLE TOWER. This is why I was pleasantly surprised when I came across Pokemon Glazed.

I am sure that you will able to download Pokemon Uranium ROM and GBA files after reading this whole article. Kecleon 5: This one is on Route 119 down a small passage near a ninja trainer. pokemon uranium gba cheat code

Pokemon FireRed - Run or walk about 600 steps in vermillion or anywhere but four island. Only train Blakiken, pelliper, and sableye for the rest of the game. pokemon uranium gba cheat code

Unlockable How to unlock Special Wallpaper First of all, you need to know your Trainer ID. Then, you need to get a password that will only work for you, which is why you need your Trainer ID. After aquiring your password, go to Rustboro City, to the house behind the Cutter's House this is the place where you got the HM Cut. Go inside and go up the Second Floor. Once there, talk to the man who is beside his Daughter. He will ask you for a word that might make his daughter smile. Once at the entry box, type in the code you got, following it's format, including the capital letters. If done correctly, he will tell you that his Daughter smiled, and as a token of his appreciation, he tell you that he is actually a Devon Researcher and would like to give you a box wallpaper. Unlockable How to unlock Making weak poke into strong poke First, have the weak pokemon you want to train, and a strong pokemon. Have the weak pokemon in front and get into a battle with a strong pokemon or trainer. The weak poke should level up according to how strong the foe was. Making weak poke into strong poke To make your pokemon stronger and not going thru the haggle of training them one one one, all you have to do is deliver the letter Devon President gives you to Steven and then return back to the Devon President and he gives you the exp share, this is a awesome tool to have, so just give the item to your pokemon and every time one of your pokemon get exp your pokemon do to, also if the battle and win there exp is doubled. This is really the easiest way to get strong pokemon. Cheers Are you looking to keep a precious Pokemon of yours from evolving without constantly canceling the evolution after leveling up, but you're already using the two Everstones you get in the game? Well, just go out and battle wild Geodudes while using Thief or just catch them! Each wild Geodude has a 5% chance of holding an Everstone, so it can take a while to get extras, but you don't have to keep moving an Everstone from Pokemon to Pokemon when you get some extras. SURF to the other side, and you will first see a little old lady. This is a sudowoodo, origianlly found in the GSC versions. To battle it, use the WAILMER PAIL on it. You have only one chance to catch it, so don't screw it up. After that, you can SURF on the water that the Sudowoodo was blocking. SURF down the WATERFALL, and keep surfing left there are no fish or anything in the water, so don't bother. After a while, you will surf to a cave known as the ARTISTAN CAVE. Go inside, and as you explore the cave, you will find many stat items in the boulders carbos, etc. The only pokemon in this cave is SMEARGLE. The SMEARGLE are generally level 41 to 50. They can only use sketch once before they start struggling. After defeating the Elite 4, go to Meteor Falls and there will be a new door will be opened somewhere. Here are his Pokemon, their Levels and moves: Skarmory: Level 77 Toxic, Aerial Ace, Spikes, Steel Wing Claydol: Level 75 Reflect, Light Screen, Ancient Power, Earthquake Aggron: Level 76 Thunder, Earthquake, Solarbeam, Dragon Claw Armaldo: Level 76 Water Pulse, Ancientpower, Aerial Ace, Slash Cradily: Level 76 Giga Drain, Ancientpower, Ingrain, Confuse Ray Metagross: Level 78 Earthquake, Psychic, Meteor Mash, Shadow Ball Note: As his Pokemon are really strong, it is highly recommended to fight him only when your Pokemon are at least Level 70. If you have a lot of eggs you want to hatch, or you just dont want to ride back and forth for ages in the game, this is a really easy way to hatch your eggs. First, get as many eggs in your party that you want to hatch max 5 and find one of the sandy slopes that you can only get up using a mach bike. A good place is the slope just under the weather station, west of fortree city. Start with a Mudkip. Then challenge the leader. As for grass types, learn Ice Beam tm13 or BLizzard Tm14 I think. Usually, you can KO a grass type if you're at a high level. If not, capture a fire type to assist you, preferably a high leveled one, or one with high Sp. Attack Stats i didnt need this, so im not sure which one to capture. Hariyama doesn't learn a very wide range of moves from level up but with breeding it can learn a few good moves. One of these is Counter, which works great with Hariyama because of its high HP and fairly low Defence. To get Counter breed a female Hariyama with a Male Hitmonchan there are also a few others which knows Counter. The egg will then hatch into a Makuhita with Counter. Another good move is Cross Chop which is very strong and has a good critical hit ratio. To get Cross Chop breed a female Hariyama with a male Machamp there are also a few others which knows Cross Chop. The egg will then hatch into a Makuhita with Cross Chop. Some pokemon only evovle when their happiness passes a set mark and then they gain a level, like Golbat evolves into Crobat in this manner. You need to talk to a Ruin Maniac in Lavaridge Town first. Then, go to the desert. Near the Youngster, there is a transparent tower. You will need Mach Bike and Rock Smash. You will need to navigate through winding tunnels and ride over mach-bike holes. At the end are the fossils. You can choose only one. POKEMON IN MIRAGE PILLAR: Trapinch- Common Sandshrew- Uncommon Getting the other fossil: After you beat the elite four, go to the Fossil Maniac's chamber in Fallarbor town. There is a tunnel you can go through. At the end, there is the other fossil. POKEMON IN FOSSIL CAVE: Ditto- Common Geodude- Somewhat Common Graveler- Rare to get the wailmer pail go to the flower shop on route 110 i think and talk to the girl at the top of the store she will give it to you. To get pictures in the museum, you have to talk to the guy in front of the stairs in the museum. Then you have to beat the Master Rank contest and the artist will come out and show you the picture he drew of your pokemon for winning. Tell him yes to put it in the museum and he'll take it there. You have to beat each contest. Which is five contests. When you go back to the museum, there will be more people up stairs and all the frames will be filled. Talk to the guy who told you to get pictures and he'll give you a Glass Ornament for your secret base. When the Blend Master comes to Lilycove City the tv should tell you fly over to Lilycove. Enter the pokemon contest building and to the right you should see a bunch of people watching the blend master. Usually the blend master is only in lilycove for a day but since you saved your game, the bland master will be there everyday. You can bleand as many berries as you want to. NOTE:WHEN YOU LEAVE THE BUILDING THE BLEND MASTER WILL GO AWAY,SO IF YOU WANT ALOT OF GOOD BERRIES I SUGGEST YOU STAY. I use this cheat every time I start a new game, first of all, start with a torchic. Use this pokemon only until you get to where you can catch a wingull. Train your torchic to lvl. Then teach it double kick and peck for later. Use double kick to take out Roxanne. Meanwhile, remember to train your wingull. When you get to Dewford, catch a sableye. Also cach a nincada and always keep an open space for it to evolve inot shedinja. You must also have a free pokeball at all times. Use your wingull and sableye to beat Brawly. When you get to Wattson, your nincada needs to be a shedinja and you cant be touched. Except his voltorb with roll out. Use combusken for that. If shedinja gets confused, switch it out. You can deposit ninjask. After you beat Wattson, use the TM he gave you on wingull, sounds crazy, but it works. You no longer need shedinja. Remember to battle every trainer on the way. You can use shockwave and fly to take out Wynona. Only train Blakiken, pelliper, and sableye for the rest of the game. Make sure your sableye has shadowball and you can take Tate and Liza. Use your masterball on rayquaza. Mean look makes it to where pokemon can't escape for when ypu try to atch one of the latis. Anyways, use pelliper one last time to beat Juan with shock wave. For the elite four, you have a move for every type. Here's what they should know: Blaziken-Blazekick, Doublekick, Mirrormove, Earthquake Sableye-Meanlook, Shadowball, Faintattack, Detect Pelliper-Fly, Surf, Shockwave, Protect Rayquaza-Outrage, Fly, Rest, Extremespeed Each Gym Leader has a particular weakness, in regards to elemental Pokemon. So if you want to stand a stronger chance of defeating them, be sure to include Pokemon that have moves related to particular elements: Roxanne: Grass, Water. Flannery: Water, Rock, Ground. Tate And Liza: Water, Dark, Ground. Once you beat the game, go to the Weather Station near Fortree City. Go upstairs and talk to the guy in front of a computer. He will tell you were there is a drizzle. Go to the rought and use dive in the water. Then go through a small door. Next, come up and work your way through Marine Cave. Then you will find Kyogre! When you battle him, get him to red health and throw your net ball and don't press any buttons if you want to paralise him you can. Talk to the Berry Master's wife, and tell her these codes to get the following berries: 31. Spelon: GREAT BATTLE 32. Pamtre: CHALLENGE CONTEST 33. Watmel: OVERWHELMING LATIAS 34. Durin: COOL LATIOS 35. Belue: SUPER HUSTLE Note, you may not have the words in your index. This means that you need to complete something to make it appear. Go win in one and the word should appear. Go to the battle frontier and go to near the battle palace go west then north west a bit then south a bit and you will find a weird tree that moves when you press A. Use the wailmer pail and it will spring to life. After you've bagged Mr Sud as I nicknamed mine surf down the nearby waterfall when you get to the bottom surf west and you will see a cave squirming with smeargles. They can be as high as lv40 I think the highest I've seen is lv39 get one and carry on going through the cave and you will come out at the far north of Battle Frontier To Get The Move Volt Tackle You Need The Following: 1. Pikachu Male Or Female OR Raichu Male Or Female 2. Ditto Only If You Dont Have A Male Or Female 3. Walk Around A Bit And Come Back, If You Have Walked Enough, The Old Man Will Tell You That He Found An Egg. It Takes EXACTLY 2560 steps For The Egg To Hatch Into A Pichu That Will Also Know Volt Tackle. Kecleon 2: On the staircase above the bridge where Kecleon 1 was at. Kecleon 3: Go to where you find Registeel on Route 120. Walk around to the top of the Ancient Tomb where registeel is and keep moving until you run into it. Walk around behind the sign to find it. Kecleon 5: This one is on Route 119 down a small passage near a ninja trainer. Kecleon 6: Look near the other ninja on 119 near where the pomeg berries were. It's standing in a space right next to the ninja trainer. As everyone who's played should know, Milotic is a very rare and powerful Pokemon. Here is some information that some might not know. Getting Milotic: Milotic evolves from Feebas. To catch a Feebas, you have to find one of the six water tiles on route 120 that has it. Giving an interview, changing the cool phrase in Dewford, etc. It's not very difficult. After catching it see its nature. If it is modest, great, if not breed Feebas until you get one with a modest nature. Then get lots of Blue, Indigo, and Gold dry-flavoerd pokeblocks. Feed them to Feebas until its Beauty is maxed out. An easy way to figure this out is to go to the Fan Club Chairman. If he gives you a blue collar, Beauty has been maxed out. Now, just level Feebas up. After the first level up, it should evolve into Milotic. Milotic's Ability- Milotic's ability, Marvel Scale, allows it to raise defense in tight spots. I had my Milotic use, Surf on a Magneton of the same level and the attack took it out in one hit - although Magneton's are never resistant to surf. On really, really rare occasions, you may encounter Mirage Island in the middle of Route 130. Whoever encountered the island was really lucky, as this island is painstakingly rare to find. To find out whether Mirage Island will appear, talk to the old man living in one of the houses in Pacifidlog Town. However, if he actually does see it, surf to the middle of Route 130 to find Mirage Island. Wynaut are the only Pokemon that can be found there. Not only that, there is also a lone Liechi berry. It is the only one in the game, so you MUST plant it if you want to get more of it. Okay, I think this pokemon is very extra rare. Go to route 119, go northwards, until you find the weather laboratorium, go inside, there is many Team aqua members in there. Beat all of the team aqua. After you beat all aqua team, don't exit this laboratorium... Talk to the professor, this professor is in the West, so you have to careful to see. Talk to him and he is very thankful you saved him so he will give you a castform... In Rustboro City, there will be a guy next to the gym. He is willing to trade your Ralts for his Seedot. In Fortree City, a boy is willing to give his Plusle to you. In return, he wants your Volbeat. There is a guy in Pacifidlog Town that is willing to give his Horsea for your Bagon. In one of the houses in the Battle Frontier, there's a girl who will trade her Skitty for your Meowth. This is a helpfull virus in the game. This virus can improve all of your stat points when you grow levels. If your pokemon has pokerus and it's in your party it will spread to your other pokemon. But these effects are temporary unless you put the infected pokemon in your PC. In order to get it, you need A LOT of luck. You need to find a wild pokemon with pokerus. You will know it has pokerus because it will be it's status condition. After you catch it, to make sure it really has pokerus go to any pokemon center and the nurse will say that it is infected with pokerus. Here is a few ways to find Pokemon that you can only find in small areas, now here's how to get them. BAGON: Okay so go to Meteor Falls with a Pokemon with Surf and Waterfall, look around for abit and you'll find a small narrow room with TM02 Dragon Claw there, on a small piece of land. Walk around there to find either a Golbats or b Bagon. It takes a while for the Bagon to Appear JIGGLYPUFF: Go North of Rustburo City with a Pokemon with Surf. Surf upward to another piece of land Don't land there, instead keep Surfing Nothwards until you come to a heavily forested area with several trainers and base places. Look around there until you find a path of grass, with mostly Swellows and Tailows but after a while of searching you wind up with a Jigglypuff. CORPHISH: All you need is a Super Rod, and go to Route 103 that's West of Odale Town fish there until you get it again, it takes a while to appear STARYU: All you need to do is go to Lilycove, head West until you reach the water and start fishing with your Super Rod. You'll get it eventually. SUDOWOODO: Get the Wailmer Pail from the Flower Shop on Route 104. Go to the Battle Frontier and head East, to the Battle Palace, and also a place where Surf can be used. Use it and go to the land with the Old Woman there and you'll see a weird looking tree, SAVE YOUR GAME HERE and use the Wailmer Pail. Remember this is the ONLY SUDOWOODO IN THE GAME. SMEARGUL: Surf again, this time going down the waterfall, and Surf West till you get to a cave. It's called tha Artistan Cave and all it has is Smeargul and some HP UP and CARBOS. The Smeargull range from level 40 - 50 and their only move is sketch with 1PP, I recomend using a weaker Pokemon to use a good move on it a good move so that it doesn't die and the Smeargul will use sketch to copy your Pokemon's move permanently now try to catch it and it will have that move, EVEN IF THE MOVE IS FLY. The Safari Zone, one of the most exicting, yet aggrevating place, here is a small guide to help you on your Safari hunt. Note: use th Acro Bike to hop or stand still facing different directions to have infinite time in the Safari. BONUS MATERIAL: Corphish: On Route 102, there is a small, clear water pond, use a Super Rod there, Corphish's are the only thing there. Tentacruel: In the Abandon Ship, Tentacruel can be found using the Super Rod in the water aboard the ship. It is uncommon, however. Luvdisc: This Pokemon is actually quite easy to find, even though only in one place, use the Super Rod on the water in Ever Grande. Jigglypuff: Go to Rustboro City, go to the Route north of there, keep going up stream, eventually you'll find a secret area. Swellow can also be found here. One more: Staryu: Go to Lilycove, use the Super Rod on the water there, it will eventually appear. And there you have it now you have an ancient pokemon. S: to catch them get A LOT of ultra balls. First, choose Torchic as your starter. Before you go to the firt gym, your Torchic should be at level 16+, and should be a Combusken. It's double kick will take out all of her Pokemon. Then, you should be able to knock out all of your rivals Pokenom with that move too. Then, before you go to the next gym, get the fishing rod and catch a Magikarp, it will come in handy later, trust me. Then you will probablly be able to knock out the gyms Pokemon with Peck. Then before you make it to the next battle with your rival, make sure that the Magikarp is a Gyarados, so that the Marshtomp's Mud Shot won't effect it. Then level Gyarados and Combusken to level 25+ before taking on the third gym. Combuskens Double Kick can take out the steel types. And for he next gym, Gyarados will easily take out the fire type with Hydro Pump at level 30 or 40 I think. Then catch a Cacnea in the sandstorm area. And your dads gym is really weak against Combusken's or Blazikin's fighting type moves. And as for the next gym, evolve Combusken into Blazikin at level 36 if it isn't already, and Blaze Kick will take out Skarmory and Tropius really quick; however, Canea or Cacturne , but the others will be knoked out by Gyarados. At the Mosdeep gym, meke Cacnea evole into Cacturne if you haven't already at level 32 I think, and put Gyarados and Cacturne in the first 2 slots, and K. And at the last gym, Cacturne's grass type moves will be really effective on his pokemon. And that takes care of all the Gyms with only 3 Pokemon. And for the Championships+ Battle Frontier, catch any and every Pokemon you like. As you accomplish more along your journey, your Trainer Card will change colors and rise in rank, depending on completing certain tasks. After completing one task, it will rise in one rank, but there are some tasks that cannot be completed until beating the Elite Four. You must do these tasks: -Become Pokemon league Champion -Complete the Hoenn Pokedex -Collect all the gold symbols in the Battle Frontier -Win one ribbon in all five of the Master Rank Pokemon Contests. Unlockable How to Unlock Bronze Rank Do one of the tasks mentioned above. Copper Rank Do two of the tasks mentioned above. Silver Rank Do three of the tasks mentioned above Gold Rank Do all four of the tasks mentioned above. First, stay in the light grass area always or you'll have to start over. Run up towards the triangle and press a button. Remember, always face the triangle when pressing A. Then walk left 4 spaces and press A. Then walk right 4 spaces right then 4 spaces up and press A. Then walk 5 spaces south and 3 spaces right and press A. Then 3 spaces north and 5 spaces left and press a then walk back 4 spaces and press A. Next walk 2 spaces left and 2 spaces south press A. Walk 1 space south and 3 spaces left and press a then run back till you are next to triangle and press A. Then walk to the space in front of the triangle and press A then run north and press A. If you did this correctly, the screen should shake, the triangle will explode, and deoxys will apear. He is at lv. I BATTLED STEVEN ONCE IT WAS A TOUGH EXPERIENCE, I have a Rayquaza level 77 and I still beat Steven, his last pokemon is Metagross, I forgot its level but I hope this helps on battling Steven The legendary latias latios are very difficult to find. If you have seen them before but failed to catch it must not have defeated it , there is a much more easier way to see them again. This glitch is present in ruby sapphire and emerald. There are two methods to do this. Firstly, save the game. If it is not in your present location, turn off the game and switch it on. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have it directly on your present location location 5. When that happens,go to any nearby grass path or any where you can find wild pokemon. The first pokemon you will find is latios or latias whichever you can get B. Go In and go out method 1. Stand outside to the house route 119. If it is not in your present location,go in and come out of the house. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have it directly on your present location location 5. When that happens,go to nearby tall grass path. The first pokemon you will find is latios or latias whichever you can get. First, go to the battle tower at the far right. You should see a computer, go to it then give the items that you wanna' clone to your pokémon in any boxes. Be sure that you have two pokémon that are able to take the challenge of the far right lady Challenge then save your game. Go back on the computer and take back all your items using the computer's option move items and go to the closest lady. Note, if you have 120 pokemon, you can clone 120 items if you want to. You also have to have beaten Colosseum's story mode. Get a pokemon to trade from Colosseum to emerald and a pokemon from emerald to trade to Colosseum. Open story mode go to the trade center in the basement of the Phenac City Pokemon Center. Do everything the game tells you to and the you'll have a national pokemon without having to beat the elite four. This wont work on FireRed or LeafGreen, however. To do it, you need to go to the Marine Cave entrance on Route 129, and, as described in the other glitch, mash the B button while walking through the entrance. This will take many attempts, but you will end up standing on the entrance if done correctly. When you re-surface, you will be surfing in an area that would normally be inaccessible through normal methods. An invisible wall prevents you from leaving the route and crashing the game, however. Flying anywhere will correct the glitch. You need to go to the Route 104 entrance to Marine Cave or the entrance to the Seafloor Cavern to perform this glitch. Stand facing the entrance, and keep mashing the B button when walking through the entrance. This will take several attempts, but if you time it just right you will be standing on the entrance, with the prompt asking you to re-surface. To end the glitch, you can dive back into the water and re-surface straight away. Alternatively, you can just fly to a town to end the glitch. Are you tired of running out of something you need such as rare candies? Or even perhaps a MASTER BALL? For this cheat to work, you need to have beaten the Elite 4. Fly to the Battle Frontier, and go to the Battle Tower. Next, put the Pokemon you want to clone, and an item if you wish , into an EMPTY pc box. Then, close out of the box, and save it. Next, go back into the box you have the Pokemon in, and put the Pokemon back into your party. Then, go to the NEAREST lady for the challenge. Say yes to everything she says, and select your Pokemon. When you get to the next screen, while it's saving turn OFF the power. Then, turn your system back on, and look in your party and the pc box with the Pokemon you had in it before. Duplicated items and Pokemon. If you clone a Pokemon more than 3 times, your game will automatically reset. Also, if you want a Bagon but don't know Surf or Waterfall yet, exit Meteor Falls through the south. Use Rock Smash on the rock on the right. This one takes longer, so make a secret base above here. Additional Infomation: types learn REALLY different moves: Aggron can learn: Fire Blast and Surf! Sceptile can learn: Dragon Claw! Hariyama can learn: Surf and Thunder Punch! This is a real advantage when taking on Elite Four and Battle Island. To do this trick you must have access to the Battle Frontier. Go to the Battle Tower. Go to the PC in the Corner. Put the Pokemon to be duplicated in the PC then save. Talk to the women behind the corner on the far right. Go to the PC and the Pokemon should be in your party where you deposited them. Note: Duplicate only five Pokemon at a time. If you move other Pokemon in the PC while you are duplicating, the non-cloning Pokemon will be deleted. All lv 50 Gengar-Hypnosis, Thunder, Shadow Punch, Giga Drain Miltank-Body Slam, Surf, Milk Drink, Blizzard Blissey-Softboiled, Egg Bomb, Fire Blast, Thunder Blaziken-Sky Uppercut, Earthquake,Blaze Kick,Slash Granbull-Bite, Thunder, Dig, Secret Power Alakazam-Shock Wave, Psychic, Recover, Shadow Ball P. Alakazam, Gengar, and Blissey can be Kadabra, Haunter, and Chansey, but if you have a nice friend evolve Kadabra and Haunter. OK, I swear, this saves me more than half of the time it takes than manually cloning Pokémon with held items. The process is almost the same, but there is a BIG difference at the mass-resetting. This is most effective when you already start with 5 clones. Battle Frontier, Battle Tower 1. Get the 5 Pokémon you want to attach the items with. Deposit them onto the PC at any box. BE SURE THAT THE TWO POKéMON YOU HAVE NOW ARE ELIGIBLE FOR BATTLE TOWER. Now save the game. Instead of withdrawing the Pokémon, use the MOVE ITEMS function and take all the items from the Pokémons with the items. Talk to the right-most Battle Tower lady. It will lag for 3 seconds. Now the items you cloned should be both at your bag AND at the Pokémon in the box holding it. Let's see how much TIME IT SAVES IN MASS ITEM CLONING! After the game is loaded once more, if you want to mass clone, approach the PC. Use the MOVE ITEMS function and once again take the items from the Pokémon holding it. Talk to the right-most Battle Tower lady. It will lag for 3 seconds. Same thing will happen. NO SAVING, NO POKéMON CLONED. Differences which make it a faster item cloning method! Once you are done cloning everything, now's the time to save your game. I swear this works. If you only are fetching for the items and NOT for the Pokémon, use this instead. It only took me 10 minutes to get 99x3 Rare Candies using this method.

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